Fit4Life - YouTube
Fit4Life - Matt's story - YouTube
Fit4Life - Ian's story - YouTube
Fit4Life - Ash's story - YouTube
Fit4Life - Jane's story - YouTube
Feel better with Fit4Life
Move more, eat well and lose weight.
Join the free Fit4Life programme and they will work with you to increase your fitness, improve your healthy eating habits and manage your weight over 12 weeks.
It doesn't matter if you have never exercised before, haven't exercised for years or if you are recovering from an operation – they make sure you feel relaxed and have fun in all the fitness and healthy eating sessions.
They spend time getting to know you first and then guide you through a personalised programme each week to help you reach your goal.
Everyone in the group has been in the same position and together they provide you with the support you need every step of the way.
Watch this short film to find out more
To join you need to simply check you meet the eligibility criteria:
- Aged 18+
- Body Mass Index (BMI) 30 and above, with exception to people from the BAME group and people with comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, cardiac and respiratory problems where the BMI is 25 or above
- Live, work or be registered with a GP in the Harrogate district
- Commitment to the 12 week programme
- Willing to commit to losing 5% of body weight
- No uncontrolled comorbidities. Please consult your GP for a medical referral if applicable
Then call on 01423 556106 to book a private induction with one of the Fit4Life instructors and get started.
If you successfully lose 5% of your body weight at the end of the 12 weeks you will be offered a further 12 weeks free of charge.
We know you can do it and we're right here to help you live a healthier more active life.
Visit for more information.