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Sonnet from a patient Posted or Updated on 5 Jul 2023

A lovely poem that we have received from a patient.

Pandemic Blues (sonnet)

Though Auden wrote a poem about his blues
He didn’t have to face such awful news
Pandemic rampant, reaching ev’ry nation
Mass unemployment, meaning great inflation
New strains of virus breeding vast apace
Affecting ev’ry region, ev’ry race.
New vaccines struggle hard to sort this trouble
Not ev’ryone adhering to their “bubble”
But let’s take heart! We have our N.H.S!
They are the saviours who’ll sort out this mess
Ancill’ workers, neighbours are heroic
So let’s stay calm. Be resolute. Stay stoic.
Wash your hands, wear mask, good distance keep
No Nessum Dorma!
All shall safely sleep!

(G Johnston 01/02/2021)

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